Monday, April 30, 2018

Statement on "Panmunjeom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and Unification of the Korean Peninsula"

GoodFriends USA’s Statement on Panmunjeom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and Unification of the Korean Peninsula
April 27, 2018

GoodFriends USA welcomes and supports the Panmunjeom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and Unification of the Korean Peninsula announced at the Third Inter-Korean Summit Meeting on April 27, 2018. We hope that this agreement becomes a starting point of resolution of current issues that the Korean Peninsula faces as well as a hopeful future for Korean people. It is a great achievement that the two leaders confirmed and agreed upon their commitment to narrow the gap between the two Koreas and cooperate with each other by engaging in active human and material exchanges at all levels. Importantly, they also confirmed and agreed upon their common resolution to denuclearize the Korean peninsula under the premise that the two Koreas will establish a permanent peace regime by easing the tension and ending the Korean War. Witnessed by people of two Koreas and the world, the agreement shall be successfully implemented. Furthermore, we do hope that the forthcoming US-DPRK summit talk has a fruitful outcome by advancing the discussion, and hopefully an agreement, on denuclearization and establishment of peace regime in more detail.

한반도의 평화와 통일을 위한 판문점 선언문”  대한 은벗들 미국지부 입장

좋은벗들 미국지부는 이번  3 남북 정상회담의 결과로 발표된 공동선언문을 영하고 지지합니다

현재 한반도에 면한 여러 현안들을 해결하고 우리 민족의 희망찬 미래를 여는 시작점이 되리라 기대합니다

으로 각계 각층에서 적극적인 인적 교류를 통해 서로간의 간극을 좁히고 협력해 나가겠다는 의지와 함께장상태를 화하고 전쟁을 종식시켜 구적인 평화체제를 구축한다는 대전제 아래 한반도 비핵화 의지를 공식적으로 확인하고 합의한 것은  성과입니다

남북한 국민들과 세계의 이목이 중된 이번 선언문의 합의내용이  이행되길 라고  성과를 이어 북미정상회담에서도 좋은 결과가 있기를 바랍니다

비핵화와 평화체제 구축에 대한   진전되고 구체적인 합의는 북미정상회담에서 이루어지기를 희망합니다.

Events in 2011


Tracking Trends in North Korea (Oct.'10 - Feb.'11): Deteriorating Food Situations, Strengthening Social Control, and Leaning toward China for Regime Sustenance
Good Friends USA and the Peace Foundation


To Give or Not to Give: What's Driving the Current Deliberations on DPRK Food Aid?
United States Institute of Peace

How Do You Know Anything about North Korea?: The Difficulty of Determining the Credibility of Information about the DPRK
US.Korea Institute at SAIS, The Sejong Society of Washington, DC

Events in 2010

"Sunim, why do you work for Korean unification?"
Good Friends USA, Washington Jungto Society

A Report on the North Korea Situation after Currency Revaluation: Implications for the U.S. and ROK

North Korea's Currency Revaluation: Its Impact on North Korean People
The Peace Foundation, Good Friends USA

Meditation Class
Good Friends USA

"Sunim, why do you work for Korean unification?"
Good Friends USA, New York Jungto Society

The Human Rights Situation In North Korea and Humanitarian Aid
Article contributed to Public Diplomacy Magazine - University of Southern California, Association of Public Diplomacy Scholars

Lotus Lantern Ceremony for Peace in the Korean Peninsula
Good Friends USA, Washington Jungto Society

Changing Lives and Shifting Attitudes in Today's North Korea
Brookings Institute

North Korea Human Rights and Humanitarian Assistance: Can They Work Together?
Korean American Sharing Movement, Bongha Washington, Good Friends USA

North Korea's Growing Dependence on China: Implications for the Future of Northeast Asia
U.S.-Korea Institute at SAIS, The Sejong Society of Washington, DC

Events in 2013

Why North Korea Does What it Does 
NCNK (The National Committee on North Korea)

GF Report, May 2013
GF Report, February 2013

Events in 2014

10/1/2014, Princeton Univerisity
10/2/2014, Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York
10/8/2014, George Washington University
10/26/2014, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
11/8/2014, St. Thomas Episcopal Church, San Jose CA
11/16/2014, UCLA
Toward Happiness and Freedom in Your Life
A buddhist monk talks about secular compassion and social justice
Good Friends USA & Jungto Society Local Chapters

Understanding North Korea from a Buddhist Perspective
The Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University

Toward Happiness and Freedom in Your Life
Google Talk

Individual or small-group meetings with former and current officials in State Department, Congressional staff, World Food Program, NGO, think tanks, including NCNK and Mansfield Foundation.


Events in 2015

Today's Humanitarian Need in North Korea

20 Years after Independence and Division of Korea: Unification Talk for the New Century by Ven. Pomnyun
PNP (Peace and Prosperity) Forum

Participated in
Korean War Armistice Day Ceremony at Lincoln Memorial/Korean War Veterans Memorial

Liberation Day Rally at White House, Sympisium at the William Cho Peace Center

Joined Korea Peace Network 

Individual or small-group meetings at Mansfield Foundation, NCNK, UN World Food Program, U.S.-Korea Institute at SAIS, Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA), State Department, and U.S. Congress.


Events in 2012

North Korea After Kim Jong Il: the Future of the Inter-Korean and US-DPRK Relations
U.S.-Korea Institute at SAIS

Growing Role of Individual Voices in Korea’s Politics: Reshaping Politics One Tweet at a Time
Good Friends USA, The Peace Foundation, Korean International Studies Organization (KISO) at GWU

Kim Jong-un's Stark Choice: Juggling Military First Policy with Economic Reforms
The U.S.-Kore Institute at SAIS

Leadership Learned from a History, Leadership Opening up a Future
Good Friends USA and the Peace Foundation

Events in 2009


Report on the North Korean Situation 2009: Life Inside North Korea


What does a Peace Treaty in Korea Look Like?

KORUS House, Good Friends USA, The Peace Foundation

Buddhism in Asia: Peace and Reconciliation on the Korean Peninsula

U.S.-Korea Institute at SAIS, The Sejong Society of Washington, DC

The Current North Korean Situation: Implications for the US-North Korea Relation

Good Friends USA, The Peace Foundation

North Korea: Policy Options for Peace Building and Economic Development Assistance
Korean Economic Society, Washington DC

Design the Unified Korea with Global Leadership
PNP Forum, Good Friends USA

Events in 2016

New Approaches, New Policies: The way forward on the Korean Peninsula
the Elliott School of International Affairs, GWU

What the U.S. wants  in North Korea is not what the U.S. should want in North Korea: Developing a strategic perspective on North Korean nukes amidst U.S.-China rivalry
The National Committee on North Korea

Participated in

Korean War Armistice Day Ceremony at Lincolnt Memorial/Korean War Veterans Memorial

Korean Liberation Day Symposium 
St. John's Episcopal Church, Ellicott City MD

Member of Korean Peace Network 

Individual or small-group meetings at Mansfield Foundation, USAID, U.S.-Korea Institute at SAIS, State Department, Daniel Morgan Academy


Events in 2017

America's Real Strategic Interest in East Asia: Where Does North Korea Fit?
Congressional Briefing at Rayburn House Office Building, hosted by Good Friends USA 

What does America-first North Korean policy look like?: America’s real strategic interest in East Asia
The National Committee on North Korea

What does America-first North Korean policy look like?: America’s real strategic interest in East Asia
Naval Postgraduate School 

Rally for Peace in Korea, Peace in the World
Good Friends USA, National Association of Korean Americans, and other NGOs

Member of Korea Peace Network 

Individual or small-group meetings at Mansfield Foundation, UN World Food Program, the Washington Times, 


Prices in Sinuiju Market (2022)

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